So a few days back I went out with a couple of my friends :D

Ahaha, look at us happy tards :P
I love how my brother looks completely sober in this pic :]

And last, but not the least, my favorite picture XD:

Needless to say we had a pretty epic night (although I did and still do miss my wifey ;w;).

I wasn't wearing anything special; just a t-shirt, a scarf, jeans which I folded above my ankles and my fav. heels :)
I did invest some time on my meikku though!

Well, that was it :D I hope I can chill with these guys again soon :3

2 Comments to “pardien, pardien, yeah!!”

  1. looks like you guys had loads of fun and dearie, last time I went clubbing, cannot even remember, my life sucks! and you are beautiful!! effortlessly! <3

  2. Aaah Bee!! >3<
    Yes we had loads of fun :D Why don't you go out anymore? School? :O

    Waah? OaO Thaank you, you gorgeous thang, you! x3

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